Be Well With Mel

Season 1 Episode 10

Series [Trusting Tha Process]: Today will complete this special series with a Wellness Coach and dear friend; Melissa Calderon. She is a 28 year old soulful woman following her path as a fellow light worker to put more love in the world. Through personal experiences and my personal journey teaching others what I’ve learned. Melissa is a wellness coach where she helps others embrace their highest self thru whole food nutrition, spirituality, mental and physical health in a holistic way. Melissa is a YouTuber under the name “dearmelcee” and is showing her voice to the people to show others how powerful their own voice is through their hardships and individuality.

Melissa loves to help her community through helping local non profits in hopes of building hers one day because she is for the people and believes in helping others. Melissa is passionate about her inner healing at the moment mind body and soul. She does this thru shadow work, sitting in silence with herself and practicing self care. Her personal experiences have made her a professional in self development not just energetically but in business as well and is slowly building her empire of entrepreneurial woman all around the world.

Youtube Channel:

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One of my favorite quotes from Mel— “ I am going to claim my abundance and go for it! 

This episode is for you if you are:

  • Apart of the wellness community and growing in your path
  • A millienial 
  • Experiencing an Awakening 
  • Enjoy community work 
  • Seeking a self-care routine 

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